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Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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01/14/20 02:48 AM (5 years ago)

Buzztouch 4.0.4 for iOS - Pre-Release [Beta]

Hi all! Hope your new year is off to a great start! There's lots going on behind the scenes with server updates, database improvements, bug fixes and more… but this was top priority to get out to everyone as soon as possible. Today a beta of the updated Buzztouch 4.0 core for iOS is rolling out on Buzztouch.com. This update includes compatibility for Xcode 9 and Xcode 10 and bundles in support for those newer iPhone devices (iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro). We've also rolled out a handful of manual plugin updates for those included in the core. Once you have downloaded a project, view the BETA-NOTES.txt file to see the updated list of changes to the source. To grab the latest beta, head to your app's Download Project webpage, and select the “[iOS Beta] Buzztouch Core v4.0.4” option from the new “Build Version” drop down. When you download a project the .zip archive name will look something like: [appName]_iOS_BTv4.0.4.zip Note: This pre-release is for iOS only, Android projects will still compile with Buzztouch 4.0.3 regardless of the selection. (We just weren't able to roll both releases out together, sorry about that.) This post will be updated as further beta releases (and anticipated fixes!) roll out. If you encounter any issues or bugs please post them to this thread. ---------------------------------------- ### Changes ### View the “BETA-NOTES.txt” text file inside your project download for a current list of changes. ### Known Issues ### Xcode will warn about a 1024x1024 icon being required in Assets.xcassets. The project will still compile even with this warning. The included Launch Screens are blank images- Apple recommends designing a launch screen that's nearly identical to the first screen of your app. See Apple's Human Interface Guidelines for more info: http://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/icons-and-images/launch-screen/ ### Plugin Updates ### Several of the Buzztouch market plugins have been manually patched with support for iOS 9+. If you're having an issue with a specific plugin, please open a forum post- Often there are some common fixes that can be applied inside your Xcode project to fix these errors (Thomas has a great post over at http://buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=E79628F33B32272319EB35D with some helpful information). Hope you enjoy!
Buzztouch 4.0.4 Beta
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
01/16/20 05:30 AM (5 years ago)
great news, well done, wasnt expecting an update so soon, keep up the great work dude :)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
01/16/20 09:20 AM (5 years ago)
Awesome. Haven't developed in a while. Are selfserver still active? I mean will the plugins and core have updades? Or should be just develop on BT? Thanks
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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01/16/20 03:04 PM (5 years ago)
Hi MadRod! Great to see a familiar face around the forums. :) I'd recommend you build a test app on Buzztouch.com- this beta isn't available on Self Hosted panels as pushing this update to Self Hosted users would require an additional modification on everyone's servers. (That said; If anyone needs this beta on their Self Hosted server, please reach out- I'm sure we can find some way to make it work!). I do plan on rolling out BTv4.0.4 to Self Hosted servers once it leaves beta. We really want everyone to have opportunity to take advantage of it. (I'm not sure about the plugin updates... I *think* if you run your plugin updater in your Self Hosted control panel it should pick up the new versions I pushed out... I might have to do some work on our end if your Self Hosted install is not seeing the updates). Let me know if you have any issues. Thanks everyone!
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
01/20/20 06:39 AM (5 years ago)
Congrats Cakebit! Awesome news, its been a while :) Thanks
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
01/20/20 10:30 AM (5 years ago)
Cakebit - great job on supplying an update! It's been years and fantastic to see this come back to life! awesome indeed, mysps!
Apple Fan
Posts: 4675
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
01/27/20 10:28 AM (5 years ago)
So very cool to see these names posting!
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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01/31/20 11:30 AM (5 years ago)
Hi All! Just wanted to post a quick update here. All of the currently available Buzztouch Market Plugins (for iOS) are now updated to compile without errors in Xcode 9 & 10. The [iOS Beta] Buzztouch Core v4.0.4 will become opt-out later today. If you want to compile your apps using the current Buzztouch Core v4.0.3, simply select that option from the drop down. :) Let us know if you encounter any issues! Thanks everyone!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
01/31/20 11:31 AM (5 years ago)
Cheers dude :)
Aspiring developer
Posts: 841
Reg: Nov 03, 2010
Medford, MA
02/03/20 01:03 PM (5 years ago)
Matt, I for one am a little saddened by the lack of posts congratulating you as the new owner of Buzztouch. I was shocked to see that you have already done more in two weeks than the previous owner did in two years! Maybe there is a way to send an email out to all current Buzztouch members since I'm sure there are a lot of us out there that have no idea Buzztouch is back! Josh
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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02/03/20 04:06 PM (5 years ago)
Hi Mutzy! Love this idea! Perhaps there is some way for us to differentiate between active users and those who maybe signed up for the service only to try it out... if everyone received an email they might "hug the site to death" with the amount of traffic that email would bring! One feature we just rolled out in this regard is the ability for returning users to select "Extend my Trial" on their Dashboard; giving users who maybe signed up at one point another chance to try the service before they choose to support Buzztouch and become a subscriber- so returning users don't hit some sort of paywall. We're also continuing to focus on stability & sustainability for all users of Buzztouch and we couldn't do this without all of the monthly supporting subscribers- so a big THANK YOU to everyone who supports the service and to all the community members!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
02/03/20 04:54 PM (5 years ago)
Well done Matt, thought it was just me, i closed my app business down couple of years ago due to the lack of any updates and the forum going dead, lets face it, theres nothing out there that helps people that dont code but have good design and marketing ideas that coders dont see, because there not marketers, there coders, i know there are lots of guru subscribers out there that have helped all of us through the forums, what Cakey has done in the last month has outdone what the previous owner has done in 2 years, im not slating him, but hes just taken the sunscriptons and repaid what he paid for it. the new owner looks like hes gonna invest, so lets get behind him, and give him shout out, send out an email and lets all get back on bourd :) Sean
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
02/04/20 01:58 PM (5 years ago)
Great to see some life being injected back into this once awesome platform. i think some serious consideration needs to be put back into the plugin market. That was a huge downfall when that was closed down (understand it relies on developers keeping their code updated but surely some rules could be implemented to keep them maintained). keeping a close eye again on the forum, just like the old days. Glad to be back after being banned for being honest about the way the platform was going a year or so back. A lot of decent members were also banned for speaking their mind. shame we cant get them all back!
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
02/05/20 01:56 AM (5 years ago)
It is awesome to see Buzztouch comming back to life. I hope I'll be able to restart developing BT apps. It does seem as Cakebit is on for the ride. Thanks. Cheers guys.
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
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02/17/20 01:19 AM (5 years ago)
Hi all! There's a new build now live of Buzztouch 4.0.4 (for iOS) which includes support for Xcode 11 and some minor fixes for iOS 13. This release has been tested in both Xcode 10 and Xcode 11. Xcode should no longer prompt you to validate your project settings when opening the project in Xcode 11 for the first time. Be sure to check the BETA-NOTES.txt for the full run down of changes. :) Thanks everyone!
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
02/18/20 11:49 AM (5 years ago)
Nice! Thanks, I will give it a go
I hate code!
Posts: 516
Reg: Dec 28, 2010
Montreux Switze...
02/19/20 06:03 AM (4 years ago)
Wow, things are moving! I registered in December 2010 but published my last app in 2016, and came back only 2 or 3 times a year because BT seemed dead and gone... Yes, send news by e-mail! There are ways to "differentiate between active users and those who maybe signed up for the service only to try it out". Check who has more than 1 app built, check who is self-hosted, check who has more than "n" points, check who pays the monthly fee, and so on! I'll come back more often now :-) As all my published apps are on self-hosted server, unfortunately I won't be able to test for the moment... Cheers Jacques
Susan Metoxen
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1706
Reg: May 01, 2011
Hopkins, Minnes...
02/26/20 02:06 PM (4 years ago)
This is awesome! I've been trying to decide what to do with the few apps I have left. Thank you, Matthew, for taking this on!
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
03/10/20 08:36 PM (4 years ago)
Hi all! Thanks to everyone who participated in the beta, Buzztouch 4.0.4 for iOS is now live for both Buzztouch.com users and those using Self Hosted panels. Visit the App Download page to grab the latest source for your iPhone / iPad apps and check out the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file for an overview of the changes. Comment below if you have any issues, we'll do our best to get those sorted. :) (Looking for 4.0.4 for Android? Join the discussion over at http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?fid=87B7922E56DC5D101C615BB&tid=87B7922E56DC5D101C615BB) Thanks everyone for the feedback and for using Buzztouch! (Note for Self Hosted users: Your build version may still be listed as BT_4.0.3 or lower, once we've released BT 4.0.4 for Android, we'll provide an updated 'bt_appDownload_AJAX.php' file incrementing the build number to correctly read 4.0.4.)
Code is Art
Posts: 2082
Reg: May 14, 2011
03/17/20 10:55 AM (4 years ago)
Super! I just migrated the self-hosted and everything went fine! I just forgot that I had changed servers and needed to update the directory location. When downloaded the build number I received was 4.0.1 which is no biggie. But one question, I see that my api password is wayyy to easy. I can't remember if I can just update that password in the config.php or I need to update it in the BT backend? Thanks for all!
Code is Art
Posts: 35
Reg: Jul 17, 2011
04/17/20 08:09 AM (4 years ago)
Hello, I just got this email from apple that the app successful but has few issues Thanks see email: App Store Connect Dear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, . Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to correct the following issues in your next delivery: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of new apps that use UIWebView APIs starting from April 2020. See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiwebview for more information. After you've corrected the issues, you can upload a new binary to App Store Connect. Best regards, The App Store Team
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 348
Reg: Apr 03, 2012
05/10/20 03:47 AM (4 years ago)
Awesome to see buzztouch back on the road. looking forward knocking out an app soon
Code is Art
Posts: 35
Reg: Jul 17, 2011
06/08/20 11:15 AM (4 years ago)
Just try to upload a new app: go this message: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will no longer accept submissions of new apps that use UIWebView as of April 30, 2020 and app updates that use UIWebView as of December 2020. Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliabilit Can somebody please reply? Thanks

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