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buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
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05/13/18 06:00 AM (6 years ago)

What are you working on this week/month

Just curious - what are all you krazy cats making? Lately, I've been shifting my interest towards new, shiny amazon echo (skills), less on the app-making... but, I still have many iPhone apps I want to crank out.. of course, time & procrastination aren't always helpful. How about you?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/13/18 09:34 PM (6 years ago)
My wife and I bought a house that needs total renovation, so I'm in the midst of that at the moment, and I have bought lots of goodies to (hopefully) convert it to a smart home. A good bit of it converges with https://openenergymonitor.org software and hardware, and we're having 50 solar panels installed and a backup generator as well as a 500 gallon water tank, a lot of smart dimmers, GFCI and USB Wall outlets, and other goodies. The Stove, Water Heater and Dryer is powered by Liquid Petroleum. Very little on the app side, although I still mess with custom software, most of my clients have been requesting Desktop stuff. That's me in a nutshell. Cheers! -- Smug
Apple Fan
Posts: 783
Reg: Jan 30, 2012
05/14/18 01:52 AM (6 years ago)
Im still checking the forum almost daily just in hope....but apart from that ive stepped away from BT, only updating 1 app once a month. Im now working with a new site. Its a free site with, at the moment, 5 game templates, where you add the game content, add the monitization and download the apk (android only at the mo). I created an published 2 apps in google play in about 5 hours :)
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
05/14/18 02:53 AM (6 years ago)
Smug - thatsounds very cool. Liquid petroleum water heater - what?! Man, good luck win the reno. I bet it will be awesome once it's all connected congrats on the purchase of the home to you and your wife! . Bomzo - (2) in 5 hours, wow. That's fast.right there with you in checking the forum on updates.
Veteran developer
Posts: 131
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
05/15/18 08:23 AM (6 years ago)
Nice question, thanks! I also came across the Alexa skills development. Perhaps we were both touched by the AIRevolution from the same source ;-). There is a great discrepancy between using the nice user interface at Storyline and the horrible developer portal at Amazon. I see that I need to dive deep into the Node.js part to do more interesting stuff than what is possible with Storyline. And I still think that iOS apps are much more interesting ;-). During the last year I have developed a nice iOS app for a german financial consulting company. They want to use the app for the follow-up of seminars. I developed most of the plugins on my own... nice experience. The only thing that is a problem is the difficulty to predict the BT future. Some months ago I sent two emails to the BT team with the heading "I am successful with Buzztouch... can we talk?" because I wanted to get some clarity on the business model when the app is used more heavily within the company of my client. Guess what? I did not receive any response form BT. Well... My 2 newest apps that I develop right now are done without BT. These are apps for marketers that allow them to bring new clients into their eco-system of email lists, Facebook pages, etc. Most of the code is inspired by Ray Wenderlich's tutorials and website. I realize that the BT app architecture carries a lot of "history" in its structure... which is nice if you start to code. But the same structure is sometimes in the way of writing a clear & simple solution for a specific problem. Best wishes Thomas
Lost but trying
Posts: 78
Reg: Oct 25, 2013
05/16/18 07:14 AM (6 years ago)
Back on BT after 2 years !:) I would love to spend more time on this beautiful app making thing, but with a job that takes me abroad 1 week every 2 weeks, and a wife, and a house to maintain in between, it's simply not possible. Great community !
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 473
Reg: Jul 22, 2011
location unknow...
05/16/18 10:11 AM (6 years ago)
Very cool Thomas & Nico -looks like we're all churning the creative, interactive development wheel in many ways. Love that about the BT community. Thomas- re: Alexa skills, I may DM you on a question or two! Have a great day folks !
Veteran developer
Posts: 131
Reg: Oct 19, 2013
05/17/18 12:29 AM (6 years ago)
aquila198... sure, just send a message.

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