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Reg: Feb 19, 2012
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02/19/12 07:34 PM (12 years ago)

Old Version of App appears until I refresh... HELP!

I added my comment to a similar thread here - http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=F10F4EF00943043D65E95FE&status=&searchInput=old&sortColumn=FT.dateStampUTC&sortUpDown=DESC¤tPage=1&doViews=1, but the forum has been super busy lately, & I think it might have been lost in the fray. :] In short, no matter what I try, old versions with old images, & old navigation setup still appear when the app is freshly installed on new devices & the simulators. It only displays the current version when I hit refresh... Here's what I posted in the other thread -> iOS bt1.5 1. I delete the old version off the device & the simulators. 2. in XCode - Clean, then Build 3. in Xcode - run on the device / sim 4. old version (the first version, actually) appears 5. a refresh, or even a couple of refreshes is required to bring up the current version. Even more weird - when putting the app on a completely new device for testing, the old version comes up... so I can't see how it could be a caching issue on the device. Some things I've tried - 1. Deleting all copies of app, & file folders & Xcode projects, then re-downloading the source code... didn't make any discernible difference 2. Turned off devices & quit simulators after deleting & prior to loading fresh version... again, no change I'm very concerned that this behaviour might occur when the app is finally distributed, for 2 reasons - of course it's a bad look, but more importantly, the app I'm building is for an electoral commission, so the content / text needs to be accurate & reliable, as there are legislative implications for misinformation. Any assistance / reassurance will be greatly received! Thanks in advance! ;]
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
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Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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02/19/12 08:24 PM (12 years ago)
Get the latest version on your binary. Upload the binary to iTunes ad Hoc build. Redownloading the source code is not necessary. Not sure if it's ever necessary. Fred
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 8197
Reg: Jun 24, 2011
Oro Valley, AZ
02/19/12 09:30 PM (12 years ago)
Hi @T.E.C, For v1.5, the BT_Config.txt file is what controls the content of your app, and whether it needs to be refreshed or not. When you start your app on your device, or bring it to the forefront, if you have the Report to Cloud URL configured (as it is by default), then it will check that URL to see if there is an update to the app since the last time it checked and, if there is, will download the information from the Data Configuration URL, which is also specified by default. Here's a document that discusses offline vs. online apps: http://www.buzztouch.com/resources/Understanding_App_Refresh_and_Offline_Apps_v1.0.pdf So, if you download your source code, which includes the most recent copy of your config file, and then make changes to your app in your control panel, they will be out of sync, and a refresh will occur when the app loads or is move to the foreground. If they are the same...meaning, no changes have been made in your config panel, then no refresh will occur. As long as the Report to Cloud URL is specified, it will always 'check' for an update, but if there is none, then no refresh will occur. It does seem odd that if you download the code, which would imply the latest config file, and run the app fresh on a device, that it would display an older copy of the app. I've never seen this happen myself. Make sure you delete the old app before installing the new version. Same thing on the simulator. When you get ready to publish, make sure you build the final version of your app using the latest configuration file (you can download just the configuration data from the control panel), and then do not touch or make changes to the app in the control panel until AFTER the app has been approved and released. Otherwise, the Apple reviewers will be prompted for a refresh, and that probably doesn't look too good! Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions, need clarification, or things just still aren't working. Thanks! Mark
Rune Nielsen
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Posts: 11
Reg: Jan 14, 2012
02/20/12 03:06 AM (12 years ago)
Hi, I have the same problem but clockwise... I tested my app on simulator and device and it looks good. when I send it to app store is appear as the old beta version I started out with. can you help with any advise to that problem?
Apple Fan
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Reg: Feb 19, 2012
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03/05/12 07:33 PM (12 years ago)
check this thread - it might help clarify: http://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=6C84A826554290B5F923081&status=&searchInput=search...&sortColumn=FT.dateStampUTC&sortUpDown=DESC¤tPage=2&doViews=1 I'm guessing that the simulator & device apps are your refreshed versions. If you delete them & then reinstall them, I bet you see the old beta version first up. This drove me nuts for ages, but I now (almost!) understand why it's like this... check the other thread & hopefully it will help. ;]
Fred@mySkylla com
Android Fan
Posts: 5259
Reg: Oct 03, 2011
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03/05/12 08:10 PM (12 years ago)
Solution, as pointed out above and in the thread referenced is: Update config file Publish update Result: New users see new content Fred
Apple Fan
Posts: 105
Reg: Feb 08, 2012
03/25/12 04:59 PM (12 years ago)
Thanks GoNorthWest I have the same problem, I downloaded the last version of the project code, and updated the BT_Config.txt file, and it works Omar

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