Discussion Forums  >  Images, Documents, File Locations

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Lost but trying
Posts: 78
Reg: Oct 25, 2013
09/07/15 09:30 AM (9 years ago)

PDF screen - Document Location - Load from URL doesn't work

Hi all, it's been a while, glad to be back ! I've tried on both Chrome and IE. In the menu "Document Location" in a PDF screen, when I click on "Select" to Load from URL, it doesn't open the pop-up menu with the file selection, it just goes to the top of the page. It didn't use to do that before. Anybody else has the same problem ? Cheers Nicolas
Lost but trying
Posts: 137
Reg: Jan 05, 2013
South Africa
09/08/15 10:35 AM (9 years ago)
Hi I'm using BT 3 on self host and no pop-up opens when you click a location of either filename in project or url for the pdf doc plugin. In previous BT 2.1.9 it used to but not now so I usually just copy and paste the full url needed into the url field and find it works correctly when the app is tested. I'm not sure if its mandatory but I also include the http:// when I paste just in case. I hope this helps. There is something else to take note of with pdf doc plugin when used with iOS I found opening a lot of pdf files one after the next it crashed the app because it wasnt releasing them from memory so I added an extra line of code to release them and now dont have that issue. i think the solution is in a previous forum post I made but if you want it I can give it to you. Sherry
Lost but trying
Posts: 78
Reg: Oct 25, 2013
09/09/15 01:14 AM (9 years ago)
Hi Sherry ! you're right, pasting the file URL should work. I'll knock at your door again if it doesn't. I work on Android for now, so I guess I don't need your IOS trick just yet. Thank you for your help Sherry ! Nicolas

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