Launch Native App

buzztouch plugin: Launch Native App
Version: v1.5
Use a Launch Native App option to open one of the devices native applications. See the advanced settings of this plugin for information about how to launch different kinds of native apps.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
Pointerjvalley | 03/11/13 (v1.4)
Works great to import some urls and more .. 5 stars
More Information
This action launches a device's native app. No iOS or Android
class files need to be added to the project. The appToLaunch value in the JSON data determines which
app should load. The dataURL provided in the JSON data depends on the type of app that is launching.
Example: If the native browser should launch, the dataURL in the JSON data will be a web-address. If the
phone dialer should launch the dataURL in the JSON data will be a telephone number.

In the control panel the dataURL is call the Data String for clarity. The Data String will can be
a web-address, street address, phone number, email address, or text-message number - it depends on
the selection you choose.

[BT_viewController handleTapToLoadScreen] triggers the built in iOS method to load an app:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:dataURL]]
When this method is called, iOS determines which app to load by inspecting the URL.           

BT_act_controller.loadScreenObject triggers a built in Android Intent with the appropriate
ACTION_VIEW. Android determines which native application should load by inspecting the

Version History

v1.3     11/10/2012
          Minor syntax changes to accomodate for Xcode 4.5 compiler warnings.
          Minor changes in .java files to accomodate for Anroid (Google) 2.2 API's compiler warnings.
          Minor UI changes in .php files for control panel.

v1.0, 1.1, 1.2 (historical versions, no change details)


Most folks use the control panel to configure the JSON data for this plugin but it's useful to
see what it may look like. This is the simplest example.
