Custom HTML / Text

buzztouch plugin: Custom HTML / Text
Version: v1.5
Custom HTML / Text documents are created using a simple editor in the online control panel. Documents are cached on the device for offline use.
works on iOS iOS
works on Android Android
Developer Info
Latest Review
PointerShorewalk | 05/03/14 (v1.5)
I made ​​my first app using cutsom HTML / Text to iOS and it worked fine. When I transfered the project in Android it didn´t get the images. Via the forum (Images and CSS Eclipse project?) I got a another solution. I simply had to abandon HTML /...
More Information
This displays an HTML or Plain Text document that was created using the editor in the online control
panel. The device will cache the document for offline use. You can optionally force the document
to refresh using the advanced settings.

Images: If you enter HTML in the online editor that includes images, you'll need
to include the image files in the project. You'll also need to make sure the image tags in the HTML use
the appropriate src attribute. The src attribute includes only
the image file name, like this: src='myimage.png' Alternatively, you could use fully
qualified URL's for image src attributes like this: src=''

Javascript: If the HTML document uses javascript, for best results, include it in the HTML <head> section.
You can also use external javascript files but many app owners struggle with this. There are some gotcha's
about how iOS and Android handle these files so you may end up doing some hacking to get external .js files
to work as expected.

iOS Project
1 Objective-C class (a total of 2 files) are needed.
BT_screen_customHTML.m and .h

BT_screen_customHTML.m is a UIViewController with a UIWebView used to display the file.

Android Project
1 .java class file is needed, 1 layout xml file is needed, and 1 image is needed (a total of 2 files)
screen_customhtml.xml is an Android Activity that inclues a built in WebView used to display
the content. The layout for this plugin is setup in the screen_customhtml.xml file in the /res/layout

Version History

v1.3     11/10/2012
          Minor syntax changes to accomodate for Xcode 4.5 compiler warnings.
          Minor changes in .java files to accomodate for Anroid (Google) 2.2 API's compiler warnings.
          Minor UI changes in .php files for control panel.

v1.0, 1.1, 1.2 (historical versions, no change details)


The online control panel is used to configure the JSON data for this plugin but it's useful to
see what it may look like.

     "navBarTitleText":"Custom HTML / Text",