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I hate code!
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09/26/13 05:05 AM (10 years ago)

Problem parsing configuration data for an existing app, but works well for other users

I have an existing app which is working well as far as I am aware for people who have purchased it from the App Store. However, I received an email from a user who reported the following: I used the Kids Type Text Types app with my students on both the iPad and iPod Touches since last October, but now I keep getting this message on the iPad when it opens to Choose a Text Type.: "There was a problem parsing some configuration data. Please make sure that it is well-formed" . On the iPod Touch, it says "There was a problem downloading some data. Check your internet connection, then try again." I double-check the internet connection and it's fine-then it gives me the "parsing" message. I haven't been able to use the app this year, and I really liked it. What can I do?" I am not sure why she would be having this issue? It is working well on my devices. She is using iPad 3, 4G iPod Touch, iOS 6.1 Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Jake Chasan
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09/26/13 06:57 AM (10 years ago)
@iamos10: This error usually comes from when the JSON data is "broken." Can you paste a link to the JSON Data of the app? (Or email it to me [email protected]) and I will take a look and see which plugin may be causing you trouble. Jake
I hate code!
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09/26/13 07:05 AM (10 years ago)
Hi Jake, Thanks for your response. I am a very inexperienced user. Is it possible for it only to be 'broken' for one user? It seems to be working well for everyone else? Please pardon my ignorance, but where will I find the JSON Data of the app? Thanks again, I appreciate your help. Linda
Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
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09/26/13 04:10 PM (10 years ago)
@Linda: I took a look at the configuration data. It seems valid. Upon further examination of the JSON data, it appears as though this configuration data is for a Buzztouch 1.5 app. Further development of Buzztouch 1.5 was phased out a couple years ago. I recommend you re-build your apps under the new version of Buzztouch, which has more options and features. I have seen this issue with the Buzztouch 1.5 apps that I have developed, and because of this, I have since began the process of rebuilding them under the new version of Buzztouch. Does this help? Jake
I hate code!
Posts: 4
Reg: Jul 26, 2011
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09/26/13 04:14 PM (10 years ago)
Thanks Jake. That makes sense. It has been some time since I made this app. I am just afraid that I will change something and muck it up for my current users. I am pretty inexperienced, but think this will make me revisit my buzztouch 'skills.' Thanks so much for your help. Linda

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