Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/13/18 01:28 AM (6 years ago)

Can't choose plugins

Hi. When I go to download the source code, I am unable to select any plugins to include. My screen looks different to the instructions (would add a screenshot, but don't know how). According to the instructions I should be able to select the plugins used by my app when I expand the "Choose Plugins to Include. Pre-Selected Plugins are required.". However, when I expand the above option, I see the categories (menu screens, content screens, etc.) but no checkboxes! I cannot select any plugins so when I download my BTPlugins folder is empty. Hence my code doesn't work. I am not self-hosting and am building my app via the website. Extremely frustrated. Please help!
Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/13/18 02:17 AM (6 years ago)
Hi there. Figured out the last issue (wasn't a plugin problem, I had just forget to set the homescreen!). So now I have managed to open the app in the Xcode simulator, but none of my menu button pictures or html pages are working. I put all the picture files in the BTimages folder and all the html pages in the BTdocs folder, but none of them are loading in the simulator. Any suggestions?
Lost but trying
Posts: 71
Reg: Jul 08, 2012
03/13/18 02:44 AM (6 years ago)
Never mind! Figured that issue out too. One other question though, if anyone know..... My app is basically a collection of html screens with information on them. I have noticed that some of the text symbols I have included do not appear as they should. I assume this is because the iPhone does not recognise the font and has changed it to the equivalent symbol in another font. How do I get the phone to display these symbols that it doesn't want to recognise?
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
03/14/18 12:44 AM (6 years ago)
In the HTML page itself, specify the language/character set to be used by the 'client' (the device web browser, or html plugin browser). Lotsa info here: hope this helps! Cheers! -- Smug

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