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Jake Chasan
Veteran developer
Posts: 1685
Reg: May 13, 2011
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05/01/13 12:47 PM (11 years ago)

Rename/Remove Xcode Project Files

Hi All, I am making an app that has no video or sound. The docs are all in the BT_Images folder. Is it possible to remove/rename the folders in the Xcode Project as follows: -Remove BT_Video -Remove BT_Sound -Remove BT_Docs -Remove Unnecessary Plugins -Rename the rest of the files (BT_Images, BT_Config, BT_Art, BT_Plugins...) I am trying to make my projects cleaner with less folders and more concise names, will my apps crash if I do this? Thanks, Jake
Aspiring developer
Posts: 469
Reg: Jan 10, 2012
Orange County, ...
05/01/13 01:18 PM (11 years ago)
It seems that I heard this was possible, but when I tried to do it and got errors in xcode.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 452
Reg: May 30, 2011
05/01/13 01:30 PM (11 years ago)
In my opinion I would just leave them there. Doesn't hurt anything, and if there's nothing in the folders they shouldn't take up space. -Shane
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
05/01/13 02:49 PM (11 years ago)
Almost "All" of the directories in an xcode project are organizational purposes only. Once the 'resource' is added *properly* to an app, it doesn't matter if you put it in BT_Images, BT_Docs, or BT_Whatever. The only caveat to this would be if your HTML Page had a image (or other resource) path. That resource path would need to reflect it's location relative from the html page root. So, if you wanted to add music, video, zip files, whatever to your BT_Docs there is no real reason you can't. The system would see them all similarly (providing the Plugin code that uses the files was 'typical'). You can also remove 'un-needed' plugins. Just remove the ones you're not utilizing. All that being said, I wouldn't do it. I'm sure that once you create your app you'll never ever have to change it. ;) However, if you do, most of the things you're trying to 'clean up' are the very reason why BT is so configurable before, during, and after the app creation process. Just because you're not using the quiz plugin, or the PDF plugin 'today' doesn't mean you might not find a way to use it later. And while it's compiled in your app, you can create a 'new' screen in your control panel, and have a new feature in your app. Unless you delete it before you compile. Don't consider all those plugins 'unused'. Consider them 'on standby'. Cheers! -- Smug

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