Discussion Forums  >  Config Data, JSON, App Refresh

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Silvia SuperStar
Android Fan
Posts: 54
Reg: Feb 06, 2014
02/07/14 05:12 PM (10 years ago)

App displays an old screen?

Hi all, My name is Silvia and i am here only 3 days and with BT i have found the perfect solution for make a few simple apps i have in mind. Finished yesterday my first App, a simple App for lyrics, but i have a strange problem. I was testing with menu simple and menu buttons and at the end I made the App with the menu buttons. Now, when i run the App (AVD or device), the App displays the menu simple and only displays the correct menu after refresh. Screen after run (wrong screen): http://s24.postimg.org/cuxsttk1x/image.jpg Screen after refresh (correct screen): http://s10.postimg.org/5939azipl/image.jpg Any idea? By other way, as you can see at the top left, the icon is a blank square. I have icon.png uploaded to BT and on my res/drawable folder. Is needed to add the icon on another location? Thanks in advance
Silvia SuperStar
Android Fan
Posts: 54
Reg: Feb 06, 2014
02/07/14 06:03 PM (10 years ago)
Problem with the icon is solved. Is possible to hide the menu with the close/quit/refresh options? Thanks
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/07/14 06:06 PM (10 years ago)
Welcome to BT my good friend in the Dance capital! If your app isn't showing the current live content do a clean and build in Eclipse and update you BT config file. Have you looked at the config data for your app yet? It's the file called BT_confix.txt and that powers the config in your app. Many things will update right away, some need a wee nudge in the way of 'clean and build' and updating your config app within Eclipse or xCode. If that makes sense, cool, if not post back and we'll all get you there. Ps Throw a wee avatar up on your profile. I know the sun shines in Ibaza.
Silvia SuperStar
Android Fan
Posts: 54
Reg: Feb 06, 2014
02/07/14 06:17 PM (10 years ago)
Yesss, Ibiza is all party, but at this time there discos are closed, the party is on summer. The App is working now. Thanks for your help. I was trying to upload an avatar but i get an error, will try later. Thanks
Apple Fan
Posts: 4674
Reg: Oct 25, 2010
02/07/14 06:36 PM (10 years ago)
Most welcome! Looking forward to seeing a sun soaked Ibiza grin on your Avatar. A cute kitten will suffice though.

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