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I hate code!
Posts: 173
Reg: May 30, 2012
Monsey, New Yor...
08/03/16 11:08 AM (8 years ago)

Need a little help for a new kind of crowdfunding team with income potentials

CALLING ALL FRIENDS - TELL A FRIEND I am seeking technicians to join our team ASAP: 1) Mobile APP Developer 2) Graphic Web Designer 3) Game Developer 4) Data Base Marketing/Management Developer 5) Film or Story Writer To signup for free: https://www.newportal.org/bizcard/cssziegler My personal profile: https://www.newportal.org/cssziegler
I hate code!
Posts: 173
Reg: May 30, 2012
Monsey, New Yor...
08/05/16 08:05 AM (8 years ago)
A little more info about this opportunity http://sustainabilitypartnerships.net/executive-summary/

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