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Aspiring developer
Posts: 133
Reg: Jan 25, 2012
02/16/16 10:26 AM (9 years ago)

Is this possible ??

Hi guys - I was a few years ago a massive buzztouch user teaching the software to my computer science class (im a teacher) Just picking this up again and trying to get my head around it again. My question is.... My partner owns a restaurant who delivers food and customers can order online (like just-eat) is it possible to create an app where users can order form the app. Is it as simple as using the URL module and just point to the website ? Thanks in advance Anth
Veteran developer
Posts: 998
Reg: Oct 13, 2012
02/16/16 12:53 PM (9 years ago)
>it possible to create an app where users can order form the app Sure is. >Is it as simple as using the URL module and just point to the website No, that would not be usable. If that was the case, there would be no need for mobile device specific development. To make ordering from an app work, you would have to connect the already existing back end that the restaurant has now, with the user interface on the devices. That requires custom programming. Buzztouch can be a good starting point though, as it is all open source.
Smugger than thou...
Posts: 6316
Reg: Nov 07, 2012
Tamuning, GU
02/16/16 02:26 PM (9 years ago)
"If" the restaurant website was mobile friendly it's 'possible' that all you need to do is point a plugin at the URL... But... 1) along with what Dusko said, rarely does a 'mobile ready' website fill 'all' requirements. You'll have to check each and every page to see if it looks good in the device. All devices. hmmm... 2) Apple is rather snooty when it comes to app review. If your app ends up as one big URL, then it's likely they'll reject your app submission. So again, agreeing with Dusko; using BT as a solution won't cure your problem 'immediately', but it's a great start because most of the infrastructure that your app will need is already in place. A little custom code and a bit of artwork and you're there, months ahead of doing it from scratch. Cheers! -- Smug
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1177
Reg: Aug 07, 2013
02/17/16 03:45 AM (9 years ago)
I did An app couple months ago for a butcher, and needed to use paypal for ordering products, the only way i could get it past apple approval was to take the customer to an external link for payment, so i created a couple of mobile friendly web pages pointing to paypal and used the url plugin to point to the web pages and it got approved. if your website is completely mobile friendly (try it on both Android and IOS) that would be the easiest option. Cheers sean
Android Fan
Posts: 2017
Reg: Jan 04, 2013
Amarillo, Texas
02/18/16 09:45 AM (9 years ago)
I'm doing this for a local shop. I'm using braintree sdk and posting to php form, so I don't have to deal with mobile websites and everything is 'native'.it's faster than using a mobile site and just a few custom plugins.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 133
Reg: Jan 25, 2012
02/18/16 09:47 AM (9 years ago)
Thanks for all the info. I'll have a look at all possible solutions. Cmcoffee- let me know how you get on
Apple Fan
Posts: 8
Reg: Apr 21, 2016
04/28/16 04:11 AM (8 years ago)
Hello! You have a great idea here and as a fan of the latest mobile technology, I will highly recommend that you go on with the App idea. I am pretty sure that it will be possible to realise this project! If you guys are not professionals in the field, do seek advice and get it done. This will really help your business and all the best with it all!

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