Discussion Forums  >  Config Data, JSON, App Refresh

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Aspiring developer
Posts: 98
Reg: Nov 02, 2012
Sunshine Coast,...
11/06/13 02:34 AM (10 years ago)

App refresh from BT after submission, can this be turned off?

hi BT users, i have just developed an app and had it accepted in the app store. im working on the next update but have found out from end users that any change i make while im on my computer goes through to their phones as a NEW update?? can i turn this off for end users? i was under the impression that i only had updates go to end users when i submit to the app store? thanks
Aspiring developer
Posts: 1853
Reg: Apr 12, 2012
11/06/13 03:03 AM (10 years ago)
Hi, if you have your app online, (read this: https://www.buzztouch.com/files/howtos/Understanding_App_Refresh_and_Offline_Apps_v1.0.pdf ) your changes will affect the end user when you select the "publish changes" in your control panel. Until then, all changes you make will not affect the user, although they may see a message saying that there are new changes, and update, but it really doesn't, unless you publish those changes. In the beginning it may be best you submit your app to the app store as an offline app. Cheers.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
11/06/13 03:19 AM (10 years ago)
Hi @mishgolf, Make sure you read and understand the concept of Live mode vs Design mode. By default your app is on design mode, if you submit it without changing to "Live mode" any changes you'll make on your control panel will show on the app. If you did change your app to Live you can now make the changes and they will not appear on the app until you hit "Publish changes". You can find more info here: https://www.buzztouch.com/forum/thread.php?tid=5F58C979C91673DE681FDB9&command=isSearching&currentPage=1&topicTitle=live%20mode&createdBy=&repliedBy=&minViews=-1&maxViews=-1&minReplies=-1&maxReplies=-1&forumCategory= Hope it helps. Farcat
Aspiring developer
Posts: 98
Reg: Nov 02, 2012
Sunshine Coast,...
11/06/13 03:27 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks, yes I didn't understand the publish part of buzztouch properly. Thanks again.
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
11/06/13 03:29 AM (10 years ago)
No worry, took me a while to get it ;) All you need to do is re-submit a new version with the Live mode and then you'll be able to work in the background. Farcat
Aspiring developer
Posts: 98
Reg: Nov 02, 2012
Sunshine Coast,...
11/06/13 03:31 AM (10 years ago)
Thanks, yes I didn't understand the publish part of buzztouch properly. Thanks again.
Aspiring developer
Posts: 98
Reg: Nov 02, 2012
Sunshine Coast,...
11/06/13 05:22 PM (10 years ago)
Hey thanks for the link, was a great read. I would like to make my app an 100% offline app. So it works by itself off the internet. do you know if there are instructions to do this? thanks
Aspiring developer
Posts: 98
Reg: Nov 02, 2012
Sunshine Coast,...
11/06/13 06:05 PM (10 years ago)
@Farcat so plain and simple, if i dont press publish, my users wont get the request to update their app they purchased off me?
buzztouch Evangelist
Posts: 1008
Reg: Jan 27, 2012
11/07/13 01:35 AM (10 years ago)
Hi @mishgolf, OK, let's define what we mean by 100% offline, 2 scenarios: 1- You can make an app that is connected to your control panel but still working without the need of internet by users. To achieve that just make sure that you don't have any pages that require internet (url, send email, fb page, etc...) In this case, when a user opens your app it will work offline and online. If you update this app on your control panel the users won't see any changes until you hit "publish" (provided you have uploaded your app with the "Live" modification). 2- Then there is TOTALLY offline, which separate your app from your control panel as explained in Mark's document. I quote : "Now, you may be tempted to turn off the datURL, in essence removing the link, while you test new features, but that will take your app completely offline! If there is no link in the dataURL field, the next time somebody refreshes your app, it will take them completely offline, and only an update to the app itself (as in iTunes or marketplace) can put it back online." I personally have little use for this feature, I want to be able to amend the app without having to upload a new binary. I hope it helps, I have tried to make it simple... Farcat
Aspiring developer
Posts: 98
Reg: Nov 02, 2012
Sunshine Coast,...
11/07/13 02:45 AM (10 years ago)
thanks @farcat. i really want to make my app totally offline so the end user only gets updates when i send it to apple to get it checked off. but it does have its own drawbacks. im sure it will all come to me with a bit of trial and error:) thanks

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