Discussion Forums  >  Self Hosted Control Panels

Replies: 2    Views: 608

Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
03/10/20 08:48 AM (4 years ago)

Self hosting update, its been a while since I used it

Hi, Great to see BT has life again. I have used it a lot years ago but no keen to get back into it. I have a self hosted version with a few apps I want to update. I see that BT also needs an update. My server shows version v2.1.9. PHP 5.6. I can't see where to find the updted files or instructions to download the new versions. My current version also has an issue with exporting the iOS app, invalid JSON.
Code is Art
Posts: 502
Reg: Dec 15, 2010
In your local b...
03/10/20 01:38 PM (4 years ago)
Hi Darren! Here's a direct link to the latest Buzztouch Self-Hosted patch (version 4.0.3). http://buzztouch.com/BT-server/BT-server-patches-4.0.3.zip (See RELEASE-NOTES.txt for instructions on how to update your self hosted install). This version contains the changes that should bring your server up to PHP7 compatibility. – Could you post the entirety of the error message you are seeing? (And if possible, where you are seeing it!). That would be helpful in getting an idea of what's causing the issue. Thanks!!
Darren Hickie
Aspiring developer
Posts: 14
Reg: Feb 07, 2013
03/13/20 09:30 AM (4 years ago)
Hi, thanks for the link to the file. Just so I am correct this will upgrade from version 2.1.9 to 4.0.3? I know its an old version. I have managed to fix the error message which was an SQL error. I am very excitied about getting into using this gain. Thanks, Darren

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